Sunday, October 24, 2010

Atheism and Zionism

Atheism and Zionism

For more: Atheism and Zionism

Atheism was the subject of discussion on Friday, October 22, 2010. Very polite and well educated Professor Neil Ormond was in one side and the militant and vitriolic Jane Caro for atheism. During his presentation and Q and A time Neil was no-confrontational, polite and reserve. Jane was militant, vitriolic, rude, reckless and violent.

During my piece, I reminded everyone that attacking Christianity is very easy for a number of reasons. Similarly attacking Islam is very trendy as no one needs any evidence to insult Islam! However, these atheists do not attack barbaric and inhumane Judaism and I continued to talk about Rabbis Teachings on sex with infants and animals, "Harlot" (prostitute)?, Jewish Shariah ("hadith") and Stone to Death, Jewish Women Must not Vote, The complete guide to killing non-Jews, Woman beaten on J'lem bus for refusing to move to rear seat, Gentiles Need To Die, Pre-Contemporary Jewish Quotes About non-Jews and Contemporary Jewish Quotes About non-Jews.

I also reminded them about Islam Does Not Promise 72 Virgins for Martyrs. Even the concept Houri does not support totally misguided 72 virgins and extends its root to Judaism and Christianity! 72 virgins to nothing and Actual Australian Muslim Virgin and many more narratives defy this totally false assertion.

One or two Zio-Nazi present made futile attempts to create some noise but overwhelming crowed accepted Faruque Ahmed with huge applause. Even the Zionist origin ‘atheist’ Jane Caro nodded her head with Faruque Ahmed.

--- In, "Jodie" wrote:

Re: Gentiles Need To Die (Big Rabbi)

I wouldn't bother either .... or even give it much thought. One can make themselves a warm, comfy bed to sleep in or one of stickers and thorns.


--- In, "L" wrote:
Gentiles Need To Die (Big Rabbi)

Well, I can promise I don't plan on prostrating before such parasitic SLIME myself anyway....

--- In, "fukdejews@" fukdejews@ wrote:
Gentiles Need To Die (Big Rabbi)

I emailed all relevant materials to John Kerr of Sydney's Radio 2UE last night. I rang him tonight to talk about the issue! The gutless wonder was scared about the Jews and their power. He ran like a chicken.

Taxi tells me he had the same experience.

--- In, "ilovegaschamber@" wrote:
Gentiles Need To Die (Big Rabbi)

Australian, USA, UK media outlets are silent!

This is how Israel controls your media and this is happening because 96 % of Worlds media is controlled by just six Zionist companies.

"Nations will gather together to bring their homage to the people of God; the whole fortune of nations will pass into the hands of the Jewish people, they will march behind the Jewish people, in chains as captives, and will prostrate before it." - Isador Loeb, Le Probleme Juif.

--- In, "Biplobi Faruque" wrote:

Re: Gentiles Need To Die (Big Rabbi)

No one cares or may be scared to upset masters of the universe?

--- In, "Biplobi Faruque" wrote:

Gentiles Need To Die (Big Rabbi)

For more: Gentiles Need To Die (Big Rabbi)

The complete guide to killing non-Jews, Woman beaten on J'lem bus for refusing to move to rear seat, Rabbis Teachings on sex with infants and animals, Jewish Shariah ("hadith") and Stone to Death, Jewish Women Must not Vote, Gentiles Need To Die are supported by Pre-Contemporary Jewish Quotes About non-Jews and Contemporary Jewish Quotes About non-Jews.

Anna Baltzer, Faruque Ahmed and Rabid Zionist and Tariq Ali and Paul McGeough are further evidence in support of previous postings.



October 20, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff · 50 Comments



By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

"Gentiles need to die….goyim have no place in the world." This was part of a rambling diatribe of racist slurs heard of Israel's Channel 10 this weekend, The perpetrator? Leader of the Israeli Sephardic community, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, founder of the Shas Party, part of the Likud coalition headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

This isn't the first time Rabbi Yosef has said these things. The immensely popular Likudist Rabbi, when not calling for the slaughter of Palestinians or advocating the destruction of Christianity, offers recipes, marriage tips and lots of advice on how Jews can rule the world as the new "master race." Rabbi Yosef is a combination of Jon Stewart, Rush Limbaugh, Pat Robertson with more than a touch of Adolf Hitler thrown in for moderation.

Nearly every day now, the world is subjected to one claim or another by a "spiritual" leader in Israel. One day it's "G-d created the planet ONLY for Jews" or the continual diatribes against Christianity, "Jesus was a criminal and liar,


spending eternity in excrement and his mother, Mary, was a whore." This one is repeated so often it is tiring. A couple of years ago, "The Naked Archeologist," a relatively entertaining cable television show hosted by a former IDF commando, "debunked" the entire Christian religion. A family tomb, reputedly that of the family of Jesus, was unearthed in Jerusalem. Removed from this tomb were the inscribed coffins, reputedly with the skeletal remains of, not only Jesus himself, but Mary Magdalene and the Apostle Peter, and any number of other biblical figures believed elsewhere.

Most significant is the claim of finding the remains of St. Peter. The Catholic Church is founded on the belief that Peter is entombed in Rome, his burial spot being the spiritual and geographical center of the Catholic religion.


When the National Endowment of the Arts paid $15,000 of taxpayer funds to an artist who photographed a plastic crucifix in a glass of his own urine, the message wasn't an accident. This was an expression of, not only blasphemous contempt, but of power and control. The message was clear, Christianity is the religion of the cattle and the state is empowered to "endow" any message it wishes reminding, fund anything, any effort, no matter now inane, how barbaric, how wasteful or absurd.


Saturday's broadcast by Rabbi Ovadia Yosef was punctuated with continual laughter, riotous at times, from an audience clearly enjoying his message:

"Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world, only to serve the people of Israel…Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap.

We will sit like effendi and eat!"


Rabbi Yosef wasn't clear if he was referring to the United States and the billions of dollars in aid given to Israel, the world's third largest arms exporter or making reference to a conspiratorial financial entity bent on enslaving the world. The more the Rabbi talked, the smaller the gulf became between mankind, his "master race" and the "g-d" he seems to act as both exclusive agent and negotiator for.

The Rabbi, called by some "Madman Yosef" went on:

"With gentiles it will be like any person, they need to die but G-d will give them longevity.


Imagine that one's donkey would die. They would lose profit. Their donkey is their servant

The goyim is like a donkey to the Jews, they exist only to serve and are only allowed by G'd to live a long life because they are the beast of burden the Jews. Were the goyim to stop serving Jews, g-d would end their lives"

Rabbi Yosef is the spiritual head of the Shas Party, a member of the Likud coalition, which won 11 seats in the recent election and supports Prime Minister Netanyahu. Oddly, however, the Shas Party claims that the Ashkenazi Jews, those of European dissent, wrongly control Israel and are not genuinely members of "g-d's chosen." Things have been rocky for the Shas Party as their former leader, Areh Dari, onetime Minister of the Interior, was jailed in 2000 for allegedly accepting bribes. Since that time, Shas has joined with the extremist Likud Party of Netanyahu.

Yosef is said to despise Netanyahu, an American born Ashkenazi, but accepts Likud rule based on similar views of the role of goyim in the world.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Israeli Nuclear Terrorism

Israeli Nuclear Terrorism

For more: Israeli Nuclear Terrorism

Does Iran or any other nation for that matter require permission from Israel and USA before developing any technology?

Further to Iran, American Game and Israeli Subordination and Israel and Palestine Talk for Peace While the Scared Obama Administration Rewards Israeli Terrorism! the whole world is suffering from Israeli terrorism.

This terrorist nation has unleashed viruses and it got the potential to start a nuclear war!

Naturally, the obvious question in the horizon, does this terrorist nation has any respect for the world peace, stability and humanity?

International Law Expert: Ahmadinejad is Right about 9/11!

President Ahmadinejad interview with Fox News Network (Very badly edited) clearly demonstrate the fact that majority of the American media outlets are worse than drug addict and lacking manner.

Should anyone have any respect for fairness, notion of justice and free speech then please compare these Agenda Items and speeches and let us know who is right and wrong:

1. Agenda Items and Resolution of WORLD CONFERENCE AGAINST RACISM 2001

2. Full Text of President Ahmadinejad’s Remarks at U.N. Conference on Racism

3. Address by H.E. Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - 23 September 2010

4. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to the UN General Assembly, Sept. 24, 2009

Source: Zaki Ameen and Israeli Slaves

The first strike was made digital (A Must Read Article)

Security Experts: Possible Israeli Cyber Attack Sabotaged Iran’s Bushehr Reactor

bushehr plant computer screen

Bushehr nuclear plant computer screen displaying software program attacked by Stuxnet worm ((UPI/Mohammad Kheirkhah)

Though the Stuxnet cyber-attack which likely targeted Iran’s nuclear facilities may’ve begun as early as 2009, computer security experts have only this month published their full analysis of one of the most sophisticated and powerful computers worms ever developed, and what industrial damage it may’ve done.

Stuxnet is malware likely designed to infiltrate Iranian (60% of computers infected were in Iran) industrial computers which controlled numerous automated processes in factory production cycles. The most likely target according to most experts consulted would be Iran’s Bushehr nuclear reactor complex, which last year was reported by Israeli media to have been sabotaged and faced extensive production delays. Since Bushehr is using Russian-supplied fuel not related to centrifuges or uranium enrichment, it seems unlikely they were the goal. But there clearly is some key industrial process likely targeted at Bushehr and the worm may’ve either destroyed equipment or corrupted a production cycle central to the reactor’s function.

By all accounts. the worm is so advanced, performs so many functions, and operates in such a complex fashion that it can only have been produced by the intelligence agency of a sovereign nation. We can imagine which nations would have the capacity to mount such an operation and the motivation to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program. The CIA and Mossad (or IDF military intelligence) spring to mind. My money is either on Israel and a shared operation mounted in some way by both countries.

IDF military intelligence has such a capability, Unit 8200, which analyzes intercepted communications and performs all manner of cyber-warfare tasks. A recent profile of the group described its operations in some detail though didn’t deal with the question of whether 8200 may’ve been involved in this attack. Forbes published this warm and fuzzy profile as well making 8200 out to be a real cool version of Silicon Valley.

This military unit performs a similar role in Israeli society to that of the Silicon Valley here. Since most Israelis serve in the army, this [8200] is where the techno-geeks among them gravitate. And when they exit their military service with their advanced technical training, they not only create commerical technology start-ups, they also continue developing products for Israel’s security apparatus. Such an 8200 alumnus founded Carmel Ventures, an Israeli venture capital outfit which funded Yuval Tal’s Payoneer, a U.S. company providing prepaid debit cards to its customers, who happened to be two of the Mossad hitmen who “hit” Mahmoud al-Mabouh in Dubai.

Since I don’t claim to be a computer security expert, but feel that Stuxnet is a very important development not only in and of itself, but also for the impact it will have on the Iran nuclear debate, I’m going to quote at some length from the recent technical articles about it in industry publications. It’s really fascinating stuff even for a layperson. Let’s start with PCWorld:

Researchers studying the worm all agree that Stuxnet was built by a very sophisticated and capable attacker — possibly a nation state — and it was designed to destroy something big…some of the researchers who know Stuxnet best say that it may have been built to sabotage Iran’s nukes.

…Last week Ralph Langner, a well-respected expert on industrial systems security, published an analysis of the worm, which targets Siemens software systems, and suggested that it may have been used to sabotage Iran’s Bushehr nuclear reactor...Bushehr reportedly experienced delays last year, several months after Stuxnet is thought to have been created, and according to screen shots of the plant posted by UPI, it uses the Windows-based Siemens PLC software targeted by Stuxnet.

…One of the things that Langner discovered is that when Stuxnet finally identifies its target, it makes changes to a piece of Siemens code called Organizational Block 35. This Siemens component monitors critical factory operations — things that need a response within 100 milliseconds. By messing with Operational Block 35, Stuxnet could easily cause a refinery’s centrifuge to malfunction, but it could be used to hit other targets too, Byres said. “The only thing I can say is that it is something designed to go bang,” he said.

…This is not something that your run-of-the-mill hacker can pull off. Many security researchers think that it would take the resources of a nation state to accomplish.

Last year, rumors began surfacing that Israel might be contemplating a cyber attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

It is common for such malware to exploit a single weakness to infect a computer or system, but Stuxnet uses four separate vulnerabilities, which is unheard of for such worms. It also uses two forged digital certificates, which further indicates the highly sophisticated nature of the attack. It is important to note that Israel’s high tech industry has made a specialty of developing digital certificates. As one of my readers who specializes in IT wrote:

Public and private key technology (the basis of certificates) is indeed an Israeli computer specialty. The Weizman Institute in fact is the premier research university for such things.

What better country to forge a digital certificate than one whose techno hackers specialize in creating them? When you know a technology you also know how to exploit its weaknesses.

CNET’s report amplifies on Langner’s findings:

“With the forensics we now have, it is evident and provable that Stuxnet is a directed sabotage attack involving heavy insider knowledge,” he wrote. “The attack combines an awful lot of skills–just think about the multiple zero-day vulnerabilities, the stolen certificates, etc. This was assembled by a highly qualified team of experts, involving some with specific control system expertise. This is not some hacker sitting in the basement of his parents’ house. To me, it seems that the resources needed to stage this attack point to a nation state.”

Computerworld’s report quotes Symantec experts who have studied the worm extensively:

The Stuxnet worm is a “groundbreaking” piece of malware so devious in its use of unpatched vulnerabilities, so sophisticated in its multipronged approach, that the security researchers who tore it apart believe it may be the work of state-backed professionals.

“It’s amazing, really, the resources that went into this worm,” said Liam O Murchu, manager of operations with Symantec’s security response team.

“I’d call it groundbreaking,” said Roel Schouwenberg, a senior antivirus researcher at Kaspersky Lab. In comparison, other notable attacks, like the one dubbed Aurora that hacked Google’s network and those of dozens of other major companies, were child’s play.

Here they analyze in greater details the particular ways in which Stuxnet operates and the technical ambition and complexity required to create it:

Once within a network — initially delivered via an infected USB device — Stuxnet used the EoP [elevation of privilege] vulnerabilities to gain administrative access to other PCs, sought out systems running the WinCC and PCS 7 SCADA management programs, hijacked them by exploiting either the print spooler or MS08-067 bugs, then tried the default Siemens passwords to commandeer the SCADA software.

They could then reprogram the so-called PLC (programmable logic control) software to give machinery new instructions.

On top of all that, the attack code seemed legitimate because the people behind Stuxnet had stolen at least two signed digital certificates.

“The organization and sophistication to execute the entire package is extremely impressive,” said Schouwenberg. “Whoever is behind this was on a mission to get into whatever company or companies they were targeting.”

O Murchu seconded that. “There are so many different types of execution needs that it’s clear this is a team of people with varied backgrounds, from the rootkit side to the database side to writing exploits,” he said.

The malware, which weighed in a nearly half a megabyte — an astounding size, said Schouwenberg — was written in multiple languages, including C, C++ and other object-oriented languages, O Murchu added.

“And from the SCADA side of things, which is a very specialized area, they would have needed the actual physical hardware for testing, and [they would have had to] know how the specific factory floor works,” said O Murchu.

“Someone had to sit down and say, ‘I want to be able to control something on the factory floor, I want it to spread quietly, I need to have several zero-days,’” O Murchu continued. “And then pull together all these resources. It was a big, big project.”

…Put all that together, and the picture is “scary,” said O Murchu.

So scary, so thorough was the reconnaissance, so complex the job, so sneaky the attack, that both O Murchu or Schouwenberg believe it couldn’t be the work of even an advanced cybercrime gang.

“I don’t think it was a private group,” said O Murchu. “They weren’t just after information, so a competitor is out. They wanted to reprogram the PLCs and operate the machinery in a way unintended by the real operators. That points to something more than industrial espionage.”

The necessary resources, and the money to finance the attack, puts it out the realm of a private hacking team, O Murchu said.

“This threat was specifically targeting Iran,” he continued. “It’s unique in that it was able to control machinery in the real world.”

“All the different circumstances, from the multiple zero-days to stolen certificates to its distribution, the most plausible scenario is a nation-state-backed group,” said Schouwenberg

Symantec has also published a more technically detailed analysis of Stuxnet for the more adept among you.

Let’s step back and ask a few questions. While Stuxnet and other types of sabotage may’ve delayed Iran’s nuclear production and research, do we really believe that Iran’s scientists are so simple and naive that they would create only a single track for their work? Do we really believe this will cause any more than a temporary delay for them in developing their nuclear technology? No matter how damaging the worm is, no matter how impressive the technical achievement that brought it forth, it’s at best a stop-gap measure. As such, it doesn’t get at the root issue or the root way to resolve the problem which, once again like a broken record, I proclaim to anyone who will listen is a negotiated diplomatic solution.

Whatever Iran is trying to do cannot be stopped except by negotiation or war, leading to toppling the regime and replacing it with a West-compliant one (and good luck with that).

In regards to the latter option, if Israel deliberately used cyber-sabotage in order to mess with the minds and facilities of Iranian scientists, they may’ve coupled such an operation with a more deliberate one to bomb the facilities later. Such a two-pronged approach would make more sense from a military-intelligence perspective than simply messing up the production schedule of Bushehr for a year. But again, what do I know, I’m only speculating. Educated speculation by someone who has studied such minds at work for some time–but speculation nonetheless.

Paul Woodward, as usual, was one of the first bloggers to note a connection between Stuxnet and a possible U.S. or Israeli attack on Iran.


Related posts:

1. German Cyber-Security Expert: Stuxnet’s Target, Natanz Reactor

2. Israeli Rightist Cyber-Vandals Take Down New Israel Fund Site in DoS Attack

3. Cordesman on Folly of Israeli Attack on Iran

4. Bronner Prepares NY Times Readers for Israeli Attack on Iran

5. Iran Confirms Stuxnet Damage to Nuclear Facilities

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Tags: busehr nuclear reactor, iranian nuclear technology, israeli sabotage, stuxnet computer worm

This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010 at 10:40 PM and is filed under Mideast Peace, Politics & Society. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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